22 mei 2023
Invitation "Education for sustainability: systemically integrating sustainability into every learning environment"
Joep Bresser
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22 mei 2023
Meer informatie nodig? Stel uw vraag aan één van onze medewerkers
Neth-ER and European Climate Pact-NL cordially invite you to join the forthcoming hybrid event ‘Education for the environment: systemically integrating sustainability into every learning environment’ on Monday June 19th from 15:00-17:30.
In 2021 the European Commission put forward a Council Recommendation on learning for environmental sustainability and recently the Swedish presidency put skills for the green transition once again on the EU agenda. Both call for developing sustainability competences at all levels and in all types of education & training from the early years on. This event aims to identify best practices across Europe and explore how to move from one-off sustainability projects toward systemically integrating sustainability at all education levels. And what efforts are needed from the European Commission, governments, education institutions, companies and civil society to achieve this?
When: Monday the 19th of June, from 15.00 - 17.30
Location: Neth-ER office, Aarlenstraat 22, Brussels and online
Language: English
Registration link: Please register here
The event is aimed at policy makers and education stakeholders at EU, national and regional level. Furthermore this event hopes to reach teachers, education teams and curriculum / course designers from all over Europe and beyond.
15.00 Welcome
15.05 Pitches on integrating sustainability in education
15.45 Panel on ways to integrate sustainability systemically at all education levels
16.30 Closing remarks & Networking drink
Save the Date: Neth-ER workshop “Talent aan het Roer: op Koers naar de Union of Skills”
Registreer nu: Neth-ER workshop “Talent aan het Roer: de Koers naar de Union of Skills”
Prioriteiten Pools voorzitterschap: veiligheid met stip op één
Witte rook: Zwitserland weer deelnemer Horizon Europe en Erasmus+